General Questions

  • What is an esthetician? Why should I see one?

    An esthetician is someone who is trained and certified to perform various skin and body treatments. Estheticians are experts in managing acne, eczema, rosacea, and more.  

    Esthetics is a branch of cosmetology. 

  • Why can I trust you to help me with my skincare?

    I take courses all the time to make sure I know as much as I can about safe and healthy methods and treatments to keep your skin in excellent condition. I'm also a member of Associated Skin Care Professionals, so I have access to lots of resources and people I learn from. This helps me educate you on maintaining excellent skincare. 

  • Can I just do it all at home?

    Following the right skincare regimen is a great way to ensure you have great skin. As a trained esthetician, I help you set an excellent foundation for healthy skin and make it easy to maintain as long as you stick to the instructions. 

  • Why is self care important?

Treatment Questions

  • Why should I get a facial, and how do I prepare for it?

    Facials are the number one treatment if you want to start cleansing and purifying the skin on your neck and face. To prepare, arrive a little early to avoid feeling rush. Don't worry if you're wearing makeup. That won't affect the process. 

  • What is microdermabrasion, and how will I benefit from it?

    This method of skincare involved using a machine to remove dead skin cells and initiate cellular turnover. This method is great for aging or sun-damaged skin and those who may be sensitive to chemicals used in other exfoliation treatments. Results from a microdermabrasion include fewer breakouts, better pores, a healthy glow, and more. 

  • What is waxing?

    Waxing is the most common practice of removing hair on any part of the body or face. Warm wax is applied to the area and stripped off. This process does cause some tenderness and swelling, but it usually fades after a short time.  

  • Ok, so what is a Brazilian?

    A Brazilian wax is a treatment that removes all genital hair. There are different versions of the wax that leave some hair, but a typical Brazilian removes all the hair. 

  • How do I prepare for a Brazilian?

    I know getting a Brazilian can be intimating. The method is painful due to being around sensitive parts of the body. However, you can take 1-2 ibuprofen 30 minutes before the appointment to help with swelling. Additionally, you can apply numbing crèmes 30-45 minutes before the appointment to minimize discomfort. 

  • What is an antiaging treatment, and how do I benefit?

    Antiaging treatments are minimally invasive procures that make your skin healthier, boost your confidence, and all around make you feel good. 

    There are many kinds of treatments, some have immediate effects, and some take time. Regardless of the length, the end goal will result in younger-looking skin. 

  • What if I don't see my question on here?

    If you don't see an answer to your question, contact me. I'm happy to assist,

"Book an appointment today! I look forward to serving you."

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